Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package (46 ms)
Package | |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R3 |
Source | |
Url | |
Status | draft |
Name | Zib FreedomRestrictingIntervention |
Experimental | False |
Realm | nl |
Description | A Procedure resource as defined by the Dutch Health and Care Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB) FreedomRestrictingIntervention v1.0(2020EN)
Freedom restricting interventions are interventions that are used against the will of the person concerned and that consciously restrict the person's freedom to protect the person or his environment. This definition includes many forms of freedom restriction, such as (not exhaustive)
* Forced administration of fluid and nutrition
* Forced administration of medication
* Performing medical checks or other medical procedures
* Restricting freedom of movement
* Admitting to an accommodation and secluding when admitted to an accommodation.
* Exercising supervision
* Searching of clothing or body
* Restriction of visitors and the use of communication means
In the hospital, it is usually about restricting the freedom of movement, for example by using bed rails, moving a chair near to the table or using an arm splint for infusion. In combination with freedom-restricting interventions, soothing medication can be administered. In the case of small children, it is often a question of fixing hands, for example, to prevent a stomach tube from being pulled out.
For nurses to use it in hospitals, Dutch Nurses Association (V&VN) published a guideline [ref. 3].
In mental health care, care for the disabled and psychogeriatric care, it always concerns care that is used against the will of the patient.
The legal framework for using these interventions is (per 1-1-2020) governed by two laws, namely:
* The Wet verplichte ggz (Wvggz: Mandatory Care In Mental Health Act) for people with psychiatric disorders
* The Wet zorg en dwang (Wzd : Care and Compulsion Act) for people with intellectual disabilities and people with a psychogeriatric disorder, such as dementia.
The Wvggz refers to the term compulsory care, while the Wzd uses the term involuntary care.
A national registration system, the Argus registration, is used to register the interventions in the context of the Wvggz. |
Purpose | Freedom-restricting interventions (also called involuntary / compulsory care) are applied to prevent or limit serious harm to the person concerned or others or to stabilize or restore the mental health of the person concerned.
Implementing freedom-restricting interventions is risky and can result in damage to the the person concerned if they are not carefully implemented. Health professionals fulfill an important role in identifying risks, observing the effect of the interventions and any changes to the policy in terms of involuntary/compulsory care. Recording all information on the interventions is of major importance for insight into decision-making, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the freedom-restricting interventions.
The reporting of applied freedom-restricting interventions is also part of the set of quality indicators of the Healthcare and Youth Care Inspectorate |
Copyright | CC0 |
Type | Procedure |
Kind | resource |
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "zib-FreedomRestrictingIntervention",
"url" : "",
"name" : "Zib FreedomRestrictingIntervention",
"status" : "draft",
"publisher" : "Nictiz",
"contact" : [
"name" : "Nictiz",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : "",
"use" : "work"
"description" : "A Procedure resource as defined by the Dutch Health and Care Information models (Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB) FreedomRestrictingIntervention v1.0(2020EN)\r\n\r\nFreedom restricting interventions are interventions that are used against the will of the person concerned and that consciously restrict the person's freedom to protect the person or his environment. This definition includes many forms of freedom restriction, such as (not exhaustive)\r\n\r\n* Forced administration of fluid and nutrition\r\n* Forced administration of medication\r\n* Performing medical checks or other medical procedures\r\n* Restricting freedom of movement\r\n* Admitting to an accommodation and secluding when admitted to an accommodation.\r\n* Exercising supervision\r\n* Searching of clothing or body\r\n* Restriction of visitors and the use of communication means\r\n\r\nIn the hospital, it is usually about restricting the freedom of movement, for example by using bed rails, moving a chair near to the table or using an arm splint for infusion. In combination with freedom-restricting interventions, soothing medication can be administered. In the case of small children, it is often a question of fixing hands, for example, to prevent a stomach tube from being pulled out.\r\nFor nurses to use it in hospitals, Dutch Nurses Association (V&VN) published a guideline [ref. 3].\r\nIn mental health care, care for the disabled and psychogeriatric care, it always concerns care that is used against the will of the patient.\r\nThe legal framework for using these interventions is (per 1-1-2020) governed by two laws, namely:\r\n\r\n* The Wet verplichte ggz (Wvggz: Mandatory Care In Mental Health Act) for people with psychiatric disorders\r\n* The Wet zorg en dwang (Wzd : Care and Compulsion Act) for people with intellectual disabilities and people with a psychogeriatric disorder, such as dementia.\r\n\r\nThe Wvggz refers to the term compulsory care, while the Wzd uses the term involuntary care.\r\nA national registration system, the Argus registration, is used to register the interventions in the context of the Wvggz.",
"purpose" : "Freedom-restricting interventions (also called involuntary / compulsory care) are applied to prevent or limit serious harm to the person concerned or others or to stabilize or restore the mental health of the person concerned.\r\n\r\nImplementing freedom-restricting interventions is risky and can result in damage to the the person concerned if they are not carefully implemented. Health professionals fulfill an important role in identifying risks, observing the effect of the interventions and any changes to the policy in terms of involuntary/compulsory care. Recording all information on the interventions is of major importance for insight into decision-making, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the freedom-restricting interventions.\r\n\r\nThe reporting of applied freedom-restricting interventions is also part of the set of quality indicators of the Healthcare and Youth Care Inspectorate",
"copyright" : "CC0",
"fhirVersion" : "3.0.2",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "hcim-freedomrestrictingintervention-v1.0-2020EN",
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"name" : "HCIM FreedomRestrictingIntervention-v1.0(2020EN)"
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"abstract" : false,
"type" : "Procedure",
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"map" : "NL-CM:14.6.1",
"comment" : "FreedomrestrictingIntervention"
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"fixedCode" : "225317005"
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"path" : "Procedure.category.coding.display",
"defaultValueString" : "Restriction of movement"
"id" : "Procedure.code",
"path" : "Procedure.code",
"short" : "TypeOfIntervention",
"definition" : "The type of intervention describes the kind of freedom-restricting intervention/involuntary care.",
"alias" : [
"min" : 1,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "extensible",
"description" : "SoortInterventieCodelijsten",
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"targetProfile" : ""
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"targetProfile" : ""
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"min" : 1,
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"code" : "Period"
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedPeriod.start",
"path" : "Procedure.performedPeriod.start",
"short" : "Start",
"definition" : "The date and time on which the intervention was carried out for point in time registrations or the date and time on which the intervention was started for duration registrations.",
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"map" : "NL-CM:14.6.8",
"comment" : "Start"
"id" : "Procedure.performed[x]:performedPeriod.end",
"path" : "Procedure.performedPeriod.end",
"short" : "End",
"definition" : "The date and time at which the intervention ended.",
"alias" : [
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"map" : "NL-CM:14.6.9",
"comment" : "End"
"id" : "Procedure.reasonCode",
"path" : "Procedure.reasonCode",
"short" : "ReasonForUse",
"definition" : "The reason for use provides the justification for applying involuntary care",
"alias" : [
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"map" : "NL-CM:14.6.6",
"comment" : "ReasonForUse"
"id" : "Procedure.reasonReference",
"path" : "Procedure.reasonReference",
"short" : "LegalSituation",
"definition" : "The legal situation that applies to the patient during the intervention.",
"alias" : [
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : ""
"code" : "Reference",
"targetProfile" : ""
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "hcim-freedomrestrictingintervention-v1.0-2020EN",
"map" : "NL-CM:14.6.4",
"comment" : "LegalSituation"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.